Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day! I saw this cute idea on a favorite blog of mine ( and I think they turned out so cute. It took about 5 minutes to upload the photos to, add the border and message, and order them. I picked them up later that night. Assembly and adding messages on the back with the boys took about 15 minutes. Easy! That's my kind of project.
One of the reasons I love my boys small, Christian, school? Small class sizes!! In years past it was like I was running a sweat shop trying to get the boys to put together and add names to all their valentines. 60 valentines versus 20 valentines? I'll take it!

Our Valentines plans were foiled a bit but it was still a great day. Tyler and I had plans to go to my brother-in-law's fabulous restaurant in KC, but instead I ended up supporting a mom in labor. In my line of work when a baby decides to come everything else goes out the window. It's easy to keep things in perspective though when your job involves watching the miracle of birth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea! We will be doing these every year from now on! Thanks soooo much for the wonderfully fun idea...
Happy Valentines Day! :-)