Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our friend, the talented Kiana, has done it again. Margo had the first of what I'm sure will be MANY more photo shoots today. My kids will all know Kiana very well as they will all be spending lots of quality photo time with her in the years to come.

Would you believe this was Kiana's first newborn photo shoot? I know! Like I said, she's extremely talented. Margo did very well too. She slept like a champ almost the whole time!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Margo Mae

Momma and Margo

Daddy and Margo

Margo Mae

The Girls

The Boys with Margo



The kids meeting her for the 1st time

How many people can fit on a hospital bed?

Heading Home

Charlotte and Margo

Family of 6!
I am beyond blessed. Thank you Jesus!


Margo Mae
Thursday, March 11, 8:35pm
8 pounds 4 ounces
20 inches

Every bit of her is just perfect.
We could not be happier.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What a Different Day

Today has been a very different day from what I thought it would be.

I thought that today I would be induced into labor.
I thought I would be working through some of the worst pain physically possible.
I thought I'd meet this baby inside of me.
I thought I'd know if I had a boy or a girl.
I thought I'd be cuddling my 4th child, memorizing facial features, counting fingers and toes.
I thought my children would be given the gift of a new sibling.
I thought I'd be nursing a baby.

I slept in.
I had a nice, long shower.
I had a lunch date with my husband (and no kids!)
I took a nap.
I made lots of phone calls and answered lots of emails, explaining why there was no baby yet.
I rearranged lots of schedules for the next few days.

Very different indeed.

The hospital called yesterday at 5:00 and bumped my induction back until Thursday. I'll admit, there were some tears. Expectations are a dangerous thing. Then I found some perspective. And to think that all weekend I thought the Lord was teaching me about patience. Looks like there was more to learn {grin}.

So my body has been given a few more hours (about 36 left) to do this on its own. I think I've said it here before, but I'd really love to go into labor naturally instead of being induced. Remember this post? We've tried EVERYTHING you guys suggested :) So far, although there's been lots of contractions, no labor. The good news is the contractions are DOING something. My body is primed and ready to go. So if induction is the end result, it should go quickly.

Here is what I know. God is the author and protector of life. He already knows the story of this child. His plans have not changed. He is sovereign over all things, big and small. Without this, I would be distraught, frustrated, upset at hospitals and Dr's and feeling cheated. But I'm not. My hope lies in Jesus Christ alone and what can go wrong when your hope lies there?

Instead, I will smile at the day(s) ahead and enjoy long showers and bo*obs that are not hard as rocks :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Things I Won't Be Buying

The amount of baby gear on the market these days is unbelievable! Even in the 7 years since my first pregnancy, there is noticeably more "stuff" you can buy for your babies. So much of it is comical to me. Here are some things I WON'T be buying for this baby.

This is a diaper wipes warmer, with an adaptor, for your car. Really? I don't even do a wipes warmer in my house, let alone the car.

These are wipes to clean your babies teeth. Ever heard of a washcloth? Or maybe the better questions is, do their teeth really need to be wiped off?

This one really makes me laugh. Or maybe it's the mental picture I get when I picture my husband wearing this. Can you say "overkill"?
This is an electronic timer to keep track of feedings, sleep cycles, diaper changes and more. I do see the merit in this, sometimes these things are hard to remember. But keeping track of this thing and remembering to push the buttons seems MUCH harder to remember to me.
I am a minimalist when it comes to baby gear. I think there is very little that babies actually need. Someday I'll do a post on how we have babies without spending a fortune on them. I refuse to give into the marketing that says I'm a better mother if I spend a lot of money on products. I feel very strongly about this! I do not buy expensive car seats, I don't buy breathable bumper pads, or sanitizers for pacifiers. If you want to buy these things because of the way they look or because you think they will simplify your life, that's fine. But don't buy them because you think they will make your baby "safer" and thus you a better parent. It's a lie! As my momma always says "fear is big business, don't buy into it".

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I woke up today and said to myself "self, today would be a good day to have a baby". I've had a lot of contractions, but nothing consistent. I'm also having a lot of pressure in my pelvis, but I won't say any more about that. So my hopes are high, but one can only wait and see.

So, here's my question for you. What have you tried (or heard of) to get your babies to make their way out? Yes, I know spicy food and castor oil, but what else? I can't say I'm open to ANYTHING, but I'm not afraid to try something new.

So, bring on the suggestions......


On a completely different note, the weather is beautiful here today. But I forgot that the first few nice days of "spring" usually involve lots of MUD. Ugggg. Seriously, my poor floors. The boys played outside this afternoon. I made them strip in the garage before coming inside. They are suffering the wrath of their nesting mother. I want clean floors and empty hampers when I leave for the hospital. Is this too much to ask?