Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pregnancy Update

I've reached the half-way point, 20 weeks. Here's what that looks like for me.

Yes, I know, I carry unusually high. I've carried all my babies exactly like this. I think it's because I'm very short waisted, but who knows. That whole "bellybutton pops out when it's cooked thing" is not true on baby #4. As you can see mine is popped and the baby is not done cooking! My bellybutton is permanently popped, thank you 10lb babies.

* I'm still teaching Jazzercise classes. This picture was taken last night before I went to teach. I feel really great and don't plan on switching to low intensity until things begin to hurt. The only thing that's getting a little tricky are abdominal routines on the floor. My classes will be seeing more and more standing Abs!

* We had a sonogram a couple weeks ago and everything looks great. We DID NOT find out the gender. There is absolutely nothing in the world like that surprise! I really feel like it's a girl though. I'm very close to settled on a girl name (Tyler's still pondering) but boys names have been elusive this time around!

*The boys throw out baby names all day long. Brennan saw something about the Mos Eisley Cantina (Star Wars) the other day and said "hey mom let's name the baby 'Can' like cantina". I appreciate the suggestions, so far they are nothing but suggestions though :)

* I really like being pregnant :)

* I've always been slightly worried that I wouldn't ever be ready to stop having babies. I love being pregnant, I love giving birth, I love newborns. Seriously! HOWEVER, I'm beginning to see the end in sight :) This pregnancy thing is hard on your body! That first pregnancy is just not the same as the forth. Taking care of the needs (mainly physical) of three others makes being pregnant that much harder.

* When I think of Mrs. Duggar (mother of 18, going on 19), my jaw drops. My belly button (and other unmentionables!) would give out LONG before 18 babies. How I would love to ask her pregnancy questions!


Tamara said...

Looking STUNNING as usual!! I love hearing the updates!

MrsMama said...

You look fabulous! I can't wait to capture that cute baby ball on camera. :)

April said...

Why are you so cute? I was a huge block.

I agree, pregnancy #4 is not the same as #1. I can't wait to meet her???? We never found out either, it's just so sweet to finally find out what's been growing inside of you on the big day.

Katey said...

you are so cute and so funny! oh my goodness you are such an adorable pregnant lady! = ) I am going to start praying right now that I can look even half as cute as you when I have babies.... I can't wait until #4 arrives! I am soooo super excited for you all! = )