Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Calvin's 1st haircut

Yes, I realize that he's almost 2 (Sunday!) but, this was his first official haircut. He pulled off the rock star look so well that we just left it for 2 yrs. The baby curls are gone, but I have a feeling they'll be back this summer :)





Anonymous said...

He looks so mature! I love it.
Aunt Whit pee

kellie said...

The close up after shot looks alot like Brennan - except with blond hair!! I never really though that. He looks a little shell shocked - not quite sure about whats happening. Now that he's talking so much and with a new big boy haircut no one will believes he's only 2!! KB

Ann said...

I've always loved his hair. Ahh well, I'm sure I'll love the short look, too.