Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bad Blogger

Hey there friends and strangers. Yes, I know, I've been a very bad blogger lately. You see, my husband is working on a very large video project right now and keeps stealing my (tee hee) computer!! So here's a little catch up in the way of pictures and of course some random ramblings.....

First up, Cal started Preschool today. He's been waiting 2 years for this day. He's going to the same preschool B went to, so he's been going with me to drop off/pick up for quite awhile. He's twice the size of all the other kids in his class. This child is going to be huge! Notice the basketball shorts. Why do my boys have such a problem with khaki shorts? I refuse to fight the clothing battle (except on sunday mornings) but oh how I wanted to put them in little khaki's and polo's on their first day *sigh*.

Have you seen these?

They have no fat, no preservatives, no artificial colors or flavors, and honestly they are GOOD. If you're looking for a chocolate fix, look no further.

Brennan is growing up too fast. I've never said that before. Most days I thought he would NEVER grow up. For the first time ever (as a parent) I'm wishing time would slow down a little. During the month of August he lost his first 2 teeth, learned to tie his shoes, started kindergarten. Now don't get me wrong, I'm really glad all these things are happening. I've been looking forward to them as much as he has. But COME ON, all in one month?!?

And lastly...

I want to eat her. Those curls, those dimples, those chubby thighs, even the dirt under her too-long fingernails, I could eat it all. She's delightfully yummy. Tyler said the other night, as we were discussing having more babies *gasp*, that if we could clone her he'd do it immediately. She's SOOO close to walking, hopefully that post will be coming soon!


Ann said...

Are the brownies really good? Where do you get them?

Tamara said...

Let's see another blog entry about more children please.hum....

Anonymous said...

I was starting to go through with drawl. Thanks for posting.